random tips about school prawns

27 Apr

Hi everyone!

I just want to quickly share one (very)random tips with you.

It’s about school prawns.


I bought half a kg of school prawns today, and when I got home, I de-headed and peeled them.

My random tips today is don’t throw away the school prawns’ heads. Why? Because we can make stock with those tiny heads.

And, they’re yummy for Tom Yum soup!

Tom Yum

How to make prawn stock:

1. Boil water in a small stock pot. While you wait, rinse the prawn heads under running water- just enough so that it produce clear stock instead of dark brown.

2. Reduce the heat and add the prawn heads (and 1-2 coriander root if you have!). Cover with the lid and let it simmer for 5-10mins or until the prawn heads turn pinkish-red.

3. Get rid of the heads and there you have- a beautiful prawn stock!

Thank you for reading my random tips- I hope you find it useful!

until next time 🙂

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